Mission: To empower women through mobile photography.

Vision: To teach mobile photography, mobile video, and social media to women-led non-profits and community projects around the world so they may tell their stories, have Internet access, a creative outlet and economic opportunities.

mobile visual storytelling for non-profit organizations
mobile visual storytelling for non-profit organizations

W E   B E L I E V E | Impact

We believe women are the HEART of their families and communities and believe it is the heart of a woman that will persevere, inspire and empower other women in their communities and elsewhere.

We believe in upskilling women and an ‘a hand up, not a hand out’ approach

We believe that women in less economically developed communities can explore their own creativity and have a voice.

We believe that given the opportunity, women can learn to create wonderful images using a mobile photography device.

We believe in empowering women to create a self-sustainable business and income.

We believe in educating women with photography and social media skills for micro-business and/or employment opportunities.

We believe that this can be done with 1 mobile device.

We believe that this project can create change and make a difference in the lives of not just the women we are educating, but also in the lives of the children and people they care for.

We believe in the Ubuntu philosophy which is a beautiful word in the isiXhosa language that in summary means “I am what I am because of who we all are.” Ubuntu speaks of the interconnectedness of all people.

We believe that compassion and humanity should not have borders.